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A Gerard David for the Getty

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21/12/23 - Acquisition - Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum - In 2023, the Getty Museum acquired a Holy Family by Gerard David, purchased directly from a private collector. The painting had previously been sold twice at Christie’s, first in 2003 - its varnish was very yellowed - and then in 2018. It was then restored, its paint layer cleaned, the varnish lightened and old retouching removed.

Gerard David (vers 1455-1523)
La Sainte Famille, vers 1520
Huile sur panneau - 40,9 × 33 cm
Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum
Photo : The J. Paul Getty Museum
See the image in its page

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, it was in the famous collection of Martin Le Roy; his daughter inherited it, who married Marquet de Vasselot, curator at the Louvre…

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