

  • A bust by Ottilie Maclaren Wallace acquired by Denver

    Un buste de la sculptrice écossaise Ottilie Maclaren Wallace s’apprête à rejoindre les collections européennes du Denver Art Museum. Acquis auprès de la galerie Drylewicz à Paris, il vient étoffer le…

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  • A masterpiece from the Limousin region enters the Louvre

    Avidly collected by numerous enthusiasts in the 19th century, medieval works of art remain above all survivors of the upheavals of history, the ravages of time and destruction of all kinds,…

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  • A Van Gogh for Rotterdam

    «En ce qui concerne le travail, j’ai été occupé à peindre des natures mortes ces derniers temps, comme je l’ai déjà écrit, et cela me plaît énormément. Je t’en enverrai quelques-unes. Je sais qu’elles sont…

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  • An ugly painting? Yes, but by a woman! So it’s fine...

    Le Rijksmuseum a acquis d’autres œuvres à la TEFAF dont nous parlerons ultérieurement, mais la seule pour laquelle elle s’est fendue d’un communiqué triomphal est le Portrait de Moses Ter Borch à l’âge…

  • A portrait by Mary Beale acquired by Boston

    Elle fut l’une des premières femmes anglaises à mener véritablement une carrière de peintre dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle. Influencée par Peter Lely, Mary Beale s’imposa dans le genre du…

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  • A Divisionist painting acquired by Orléans

    Acquired from the Terrades gallery in Paris, the painting by Orléans-born Louis Bouglé has taken its place on level -1 of the Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Orléans. Linked to the city by its creator but also…

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  • Two Pietro Lorenzetti make their debut at the Louvre

    Although announced at the end of November, the rediscovery of two previously unseen panels by Pietro Lorenzetti by the Tajan auction house and the experts at Turquin immediately raised the hopes…

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  • Armand Point, from Oise to Los Angeles

    The bloody head of Saint John the Baptist remains invisible, though it is suggested by the look, smile and gesture of the cruel Salomé, who holds out a silver basin to receive it. Armand Point…

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  • An amber Madonna returns to Portugal

    Most often worked on the cold shores of the Baltic Sea, the amber that enchanted connoisseurs in the autumn was bound to excite the interest of museum curators too. There were all kinds of…

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  • A double portrait by Serangeli for the Musée Fabre

    The charming effigy looks familiar, while Gioacchino Serangeli’s Portrait of the Twin Sons of Pierre Seriziat by Gioacchino Serangeli has just joined a public collection after spending just over…

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