The Burlington Magazine - Sommaire du n° de mars 2013


Mind your language


Matthias Wivel, A new drawing by Titian

Ann Sutherland Harris, Nicolas Poussin’s ‘Juno, Argus, Io and Mercury in a landscape’ in Berlin : a preparatory study and a new date

Perrin Stein, Greuze’s ‘L’Accordée de village’ : a rediscovered première pensée

Genoveva Tusell García, Picasso, a political enemy of Francoist Spain

John-Paul Stonard, Cézanne and the past


Antony Griffiths, Engraving and etching 1400–2000 : a history of the development of manual intaglio printmaking processes

Suzanne Lewis, Illuminating the End of Time : The Getty Apocalypse Manuscript

James Cahill, Reuse Value. Spolia and appropriation in Art and Architecture from Constantine to Sherrie Levin

E. C. Fernie, The Geometry of Creation : Architectural Drawing and the Dynamics of Gothic Design

Stephanie Buck, Zeichnen im Zeitalter Bruegels : Die niederländischen Zeichnungen des 16. Jahrhunderts im Dresdner Kupferstich-Kabinett. Beiträge zu einer Typologie

Michael Bury, Vasari and the Renaissance Print

Marjorie Trusted, Das Elfenbein der Medici. Bildhauerarbeiten für den Florentiner Hof

David Scrase, Zeichner in Rom 1550–1700

Zahira Veliz, Murillo Virtuoso Draftsman

Richard Verdi, Cezanne, a life

Exhibition Review

Friso Lammertse, Peter Lely. London

Anne Blood, New Art from Russia. London

Christopher Griffin, Sanja Ivekovic. London

Arnauld Brejon de Lavergnée and Jean-Claude Boyer, Seventeenth-century paintings in churches in Paris. Paris

Neville Rowley, Renaissance. Lens

Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Raphael’s drawings. Haarlem and Frankfurt

Claudia Nordhoff, Johann Christian Reinhart. Hamburg and Munich

Xavier F. Salomon, Serodine. Rancate

Lee Hallman, Matisse : In Search of True Painting. Paris, Copenhagen and New York

Peter Humfrey, Picasso Black and White. New York and Houston

Sarah McPhee, Bernini’s sculpture in clay. New York and Fort Worth


Notes on Contributors

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