The Burlington Magazine - n° 1360 vol CLVIII - juillet 2016


Kunstmuseum Basel, New Building


Steven F. Ostrow, Giovanni Angelo Frumenti and his tomb in S. Maria Maggiore : a proposed new work by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Gauvin Alexander Bailey, The Baroque churches of El Salvador

Véronique Gerard Powell, Jean-Baptiste Lebrun and the Carracci cartoons : from Modena to London

Richard Thomson, Camille Pissarro’s ‘Turpitudes sociales’ revisited, part II : anarchism, anti-Semitism and Adolphe Willette

John Finlay, ‘Notre avenir est dans l’air’ : flight and Picasso’s Cubist sculpture

Dorothea Diemer, Obituary : Charles Davis (1939–2015)


Carl Brandon Strehlke, Luca di Paolo e il Rinascimento nelle Marche, by Alessandro Delpriori and Matteo Mazzalupi

Marjorie Trusted, The Making of Hispano-Flemish Style : Art, Commerce, and Politics in Fifteenth-Century Castile, by Ronda Kasl

Clare Robertson, The Ethics of Ornament in Early Modern Naples. Fashioning the Certosa di San Martino, by J. Nicholas Napoli

Timothy Wilcox, Turner’s Wessex. Architecture and ambition, by Ian Warrell

Julian Treuherz, The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Index, Undated Letters and Bibliography, edited by William E. Fredeman

Marina Vaizey, Face to Face : Interviews with Artists, by Richard Cork

Valentino Pace, Art, Ritual, and Civic Identity in Medieval Southern Italy, by Nino Zchomelidse


Richard Green, Francis Towne. London

Stephen Moonie, Conceptual Art in Britain. London

George Vasey, Glasgow International. Glasgow

Wouter Kloek, Balthasar van der Ast. Aachen and Gotha

Chris Michaelides, Umberto Boccioni. Milan and Rovereto

Amanda Hilliam, The Vivarini. Conegliano

David Scrase, Correggio and Parmigianino. Rome

Arthur K. Wheelock Jr., Van Dyck. New York

Christine Gardner, Pergamon. New York

Alexander Adams, Degas monotypes. New York

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